Find your Dream Job

“because dreams can come true”

When someone thinks about what to do with their life, that decision can be extremely difficult. Too many options coupled with a low resolve can make it overwhelming to even think about your dream job or the new life venture. The tendency to settle for less than you were born for is often the easy choice out. Then, some just settle for what their parents or social circle defined for them, or what brings them financial security, while knowing deep within that this is not the path; that following this path will not make us happy. So it is time to find out easily and playfully and to refocus. This unique program will help you rediscover what YOU really want, not from a social perspective, but from your own perspective. We will go deep inside you to find exactly that something, that you will feel passionate about pursuing and be fulfilled when doing it. It does not stop there. Knowing what you want will not get you there. A structured approach will help you make a choice on what to pursue based on your own criteria, and it will show you a Harvard-based way to get that! We won’t lie to you, this is not going to change your whole emotional life. However, it will give you clarity on what you want and what kind of impact you want to make, and that can help you to create the life that you want. In a seemingly chaotic world, purpose, direction, and vision will provide the urge to learn, growth, and impact that you are looking for.

1. How it works

This unique method gives you a proven framework to become aware of your most inner desires, your interests, your needs, your wishes, and your vision through structure. Structure to get a clear view and structure to incite creativity. Structure to remember and structure to look at the past. Structure to value emotionally and rationally. It gives you the opportunity and structure to figure out what your vocation is and what your dream job is. It can do that because it will take what is the most important to you and it will provide the structure for limitless creativity to combine that. You will have more clarity of mind, a clear understanding of what you are seeking, and how you can implement it! Check out the steps below.


2. Why it works

A lot of this program is focused on raising your awareness: letting you remember your dreams, knowing what you like, understanding rationally what your purpose is, differentiating what others expect from you and what comes from within, and knowing what your vision and values are. Without awareness and from a state of stress, no good choices are made. Those would be flight or fight responses, triggered by events in your past. By calming yourself, and reaching deep within, you increase your intuition, you are more truthful to yourself, and more connected to what you would love, you can make much better decisions, and your confidence in your decision goes up. You know exactly why you are doing something; you know your purpose. Without purpose, we are just a product of our circumstances and I know that with purpose your career will take a major shift to something that is coherent with your whole self! With increased coherency, stress will be lower, because you will feel good about what you are doing even in the search of getting there!

Coherency will have positive effects on your mind because now the mind knows what to do and will be a bit more peaceful. Your actions will be coherent with your calling, and that will make life a lot easier! Your passion will awake, and your confidence to do it, and that will give you more drive! Long gone are the days, where work is arduous. Say hello to work that inspires, motivates and drives you! Imagine a more fun and playful way of working, and doing things that have an impact in something you believe in! If you are inherently critical, do you think it is better idea to never do anything about it?

You were born to experience yourself in the best version of yourself. We all know that doesn’t work in an occupation that is not made for you. Still most people stay in jobs they are not satisfied with because they watch other peers. This time is over, because we both know that you would not stay in a ditch just because others stay in it. Well, instead of following those with monotonous lives, talk to those in the field and learn from them instead! This program will show you how.

New doors and new opportunities await! A new life with new experiences, and challenges, and successes and learnings. And this time you will know why, and the feeling you will have when doing it, will be a lot more exciting and life-inducing!

3. What You will Get?

I: THE AWARENESS BUILDER: 11 exercises to heighten your awareness

  • Having a vision from within to know what you want

  • Remembering your wishes and dreams when you were a child

  • Finding out your purpose in life

  • Having clarity about which activities you love to do

  • Seeing the environment that you need to be happy at work

  • Dreaming into your ideal jobs

  • Putting the needs you have down on paper

  • Analyzing your career until now and its value for another path

  • Getting to know your personality more in detail and consider the facets in the job choice

  • Defining which activities you are good at

  • Knowing what moments in life make you happy and applying those aspects to your ideal job

II: THE MAGIC: you will have a concrete list of that which is most important to you from the exercises above. Then, not you but a group of people will do a brainstorming session that will blow your mind to new possibilities that you have never thought about and this will create a whole new door for you. Life starts where all of a sudden there are openings that you could not see before! Using all the criteria that are important for you and the activities that you like doing, freedom becomes attainable!

III: THE HOLISTIC DECISION: The program will help you filter all those possibilities and to take a decision. If you should not be ready to take a decision, the program will help you to weigh the options according to your unique weighting and your criteria, that will deliver you the best choice through The Dream Job Calculator.


  • A step-by-step process to start your search in an uncommon but most effective way (based on Harvard)

    • Say goodbye to traditional job searching by applying for jobs. Say hello to quickly getting offers and opportunities without ever applying to a job.

  • Templates for the messages you will send

  • Productivity hacks to keep you focused during the job search

  • The most effective goal setting methodology and a template to plan what you set out to do

  • The science-backed criteria that help you choose the job offer or opportunity -considering the environment, the people and your freedom to act- to make YOU the happiest at your job or new venture !

What others say:

“I finally found what I am looking for. There was a lot of disbelief when I bought this program, but the program made it seemingly easy to find what to do and I am very satisfied” - Alison Parker

“With its very easy to follow guidelines, it is doing a remarkable job at going deep, and for me it worked. Worth much more than the price tag!”- Thomas Bryan

“Simple and to the point, you choose your own destiny and the whole structure is provided! I cannot endorse it more since I found what I love to do!” - Kathy Robbins

You’ll experience the best techniques available to help you find what you are looking for.

Time to start living a life that you design from your inner space!

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Find Your Dream Job
Sale Price: $97.00 Original Price: $259.00

With this limited price offer, you cannot loose… The gained self awareness and professional tools are already worth a multiple of the price tag!


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Sale Price: $97.00 Original Price: $259.00